Assalamu Alykum Shaykh, How is it to keep the names of Angels when keeping the names of our children?
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
Wa Alykum Assalam
Although keeping the names of children based on the names of Angels is permissible according to Islām, however, one should avoid this as it will result in people making a mockery out of it. For instance, they will end up saying, ‘Hide because ‘Izrā’īl is here,’ etc. Hence, this can actually result in going towards the disrespect of Angels, therefore, the straightforward general public should refrain from this. Some scholars have regarded it as Makrūh to keep the names of Angels for children based on the blessed Hadīth,
“ولاتسموا باسماء الملائکۃ”
“Do not keep the names of Angels.”
[al-Tā’rīkh al-Kabīr, vol 5, pg 35]
And this Makrūh will be ascribed to Tanzīhī. However, what is correct is that keeping the name is permissible but it is better to abstain. Moreover, one should keep good meaningful names or the names of the Prophets & Saints whose blessings the children would also attain as well.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Umer Farooq Saleem