Question: I know a sister in India. She got married to a non-muslim in 2012 and lived with him till 2017. After that, she again came back to her mom’s home and she got divorced from the non-muslim husband. Now she wants to get married but no wali for her. Can she take masjid wali for her to do nikah? Answer: ِﺑ ْﺴ ِﻢ ا ِﷲ اﻟ ﱠﺮ ْﺣﻤ ِﻦ اﻟ ﱠﺮ ِﺣْﯿﻢ In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Because the sister in reference does not have a wali (guardian), she may get married without one. We advise her to have a local scholar perform her nikah. Raddul Muhtar: v. 3, p. 57 (Darul Fikr) Only Allah knows best Written by Maulana Mohammad Ahsan Osmani Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
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